Success Stories

West Feliciana Parish Hospital:
Tax Renewal and Re-dedication
Percy & Company has worked with the West Feliciana Hospital for a number of years and was actively involved in the passage of a major tax initiative in order to build a new $30 million facility. In 2018, the hospital attempted to renew a small sales and property tax dedicated to operating expenses which was defeated at the polls.
The hospital administration and board decided to attempt another renewal the following year with a split of the proceeds going to the parish government dedicated to roads. Percy & Company was retained along with Taylor Media to conduct campaign research and work with the hospital and parish government in a coordinated campaign effort which included focus group studies, parish-wide door-to-door surveys and in-depth interviews with community leaders and presentations to community groups, churches and organizations. The tax was overwhelmingly approved by over 60% of the electorate.
Read more:
- Voters to decide fate of half-cent sales tax renewal, partial rededication
- Tax sharing plans wins voter approval in West Feliciana
- West Feliciana Hospital

Louisiana Department of Health: Opioid Epidemic
In 2018-2019 the Louisiana Department of Health launched a state-wide communications effort to bring awareness to the extent of opioid abuse in the state of Louisiana and facilitate access to treatment programs. Percy & Company was retained to pre-test the communications messages and assist in fine-tuning the campaign for maximum effectiveness.
To accomplish this task, we conducted focus groups across the state [five cities] which included recovering addicts, family members of users and also the general public. In addition, personal in-depth personal interviews were conducted with treatment professionals and across a broad segment of the medical community. Messaging alternatives were presented, modified and fine-tuned prior to a very successful launch.
Opioids: The Problem and Challenge in Louisiana
Sarasota Memorial Hospital: Annual Surveys

For approximately 20 years Percy & company has conducted annual community and ad-hoc surveys for Sarasota Memorial Hospital – the largest healthcare system in the region. Working directly with the Marketing and Strategic Planning Departments, our studies have included personal door-to-door interviews with up to 800 households in a four county service area. The product of these efforts include assistance in the strategic direction for the development of an extensive system of medical clinics, outpatient service locations and even construction of satellite hospitals and Emergency Centers.